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Posthuman Art Laboratory

Wilfredo Orellana-Pineda (w/Luisa Gonzalez-Reiche)

Wilfredo Orellana-Pineda (Guatemala) Artist, researcher, and philosophy teacher. Lic. Philosophy and Literature. M.A. Philosophy, by de Rafael Landivar university. M.A. Artistic Research, Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague. He explores the practices of commons and poetics forms of natural-cultural relations through gestures, actions, performance, video, poetry, sound and demonstrations.

He has also works in academic research on contemporary art, decolonial aesthetics, racism and sexuality, performativity and sovereignty, with some publications related to these topics. He is part of the the Department of Philosophy of the Rafael Landivar University,. Most of his work is in the community.

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We are interested in continuing to explore artistic and sympoietic practices from a posthuman and new materialist perspective. Our proposal is based on an ethical-aesthetic positioning that investigates common ways of doing, relationships and materializations that do not respond to anthropo/eurocentric codes. This implies and implies us in performing assemblage strategies from diverse repertoires of artistic and pedagogical practices that we sustain from our work separately, or from the different communities in which we participate, and that we link in improvisation sessions or workshops, from a transdisciplinary perspective, working from the various spaces we share: artistic, investigative, pedagogical, among others. Based on this, we have been practicing various forms of non-object co-productions, from which writing in common, video, sounds, Instagram pages, academic publications and pedagogical programs for university courses in philosophy and art at the undergraduate level have emerged, in which we want to continue working and researching from this network.

From and through this epistemological and political position, we propose an investigation on artistic ways of assembling, therefore sympoetic, that explore the codifications of sensibility, nature, power and thought, in what is considered alive and non-living, the virtual and the ghostly, but attending to the escapes that flee from these codifications in some posthuman theories, new materialism feminisms, decolonial theory and thought of the original peoples, and at the same time from the living experiences of non-anthropo and euro-centered worldings, in the spaces and times that we inhabit physically and virtually. In this sense, we seek to investigate an artistic/pedagogical/theoretical practices that investigates ways of tuning-in with fugues and worldlings techniques, in ways of responsability for the confabulation of common fugues, that through attentive listening, findind ways of respond to the assemblages that also generate their forms of exposure or appearance.

We propose to delve into ways of doing-with, thinking-with, feeling-with, not only those of us who participate, for now, with our names, in these ensembles, but with the various relationships that adhere, tense, inform, confuse, and destabilize them.

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