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(IRL Research Resident) Moises Ramirez: Negative Mother / Anti-Womb Unit: Emergence of the Ethical Subject via re-constitution in the mechano-womb of the negative mother.

Posthuman Art Network

Updated: Feb 1

This entry is part of the Intelligence-Love-Revolution (ILR) Research Program, developed and led by Sepideh Majidi, with research contributions from Maure Coise.

Case Study

The Negative Mother is a thought experiment for a future decentralized automation of raising subjects in an algorithmic society.

The Mother, as a linguitic item, is a universal signifier for a physiological process of cultivating the bio-mechanical product of the human being. In Western pop-cultural societies, the parent loses their formal name and is replaced by their role as parent – typically in the Mother-Father dyad, although terms such as guardian and care-giver may also be found in legal documents. The Mother is Dead, Long Live the Mother.

In the context of conceptualizing a paradigm for raising future citizens of the net-world, the process of nurturing individuals with a general sociality towards care can be packaged in the form of a mechno- Mother, an empty mother without cerebral will, that reproduces the moral values of a hypothetical cyber-city-state. Relations of self-other can be mediated by the techno-residue of a mediating interface between the body and the city, by means of a distributed ethical meshnet of relations of exchange.

Mother is an assemblage of care protocols – in silent charge of the production and maintenance of the nurturing domestic space. The Mother is reproduced in the Other and becomes the original Other after the confrontation with the holographic self at the Mirror Stage. The child first emerges as a non- soveerign body that is dependent upon the family structure and later transitions into becoming socialized into the structure of the civil state. In psychoanalytic activity, the therapist's office become as Jamieson Webster calls “the space of failure” (Disorganization and Sex, 31). This space of failure is where the subject attends to a series of symptoms that have resulted from the failure mapped as an incongruency between subjective desires and reality. There is a breakdown and reconstitution of the self, while taking place outside the perimeter of everyday life. The subject are in a void space of sociality where common ethical obligations are suspended and the nature of reflecting upon one's inner self.


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