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(ILR) Rutvik Sankhe

Posthuman Art Network

Case Study

Lakoff and Johnson (1980,1999), Lakoff and Nunez (2000). The formation of our most basic concepts (what they call conceptual metaphors) is grounded in our seeing and being in the world, ideas shaped, as Lakoff and Nunez (2000) suggests, “by our bodily experiences”. They use term “image schemas”. Image schemas are both perceptual and conceptual, and bridge “language, reasoning and vision”, from which we derive conceptual metaphors. An Abandoned Stage (Metaphorical Tale) Tale that includes a wide range of musical styles and genres, each with its own unique sound and tradition. A tale that has layers which helps one dig deep as they slowly unravel and discuss about tracings on the structure with their hands. As a nomad wanderer I would come with my Tanda, habiting the space, wandering around the context, building, and creating frames, by tracing, moving, and weaving together diverse ways of seeing towards tales. The layered stitched collaged frames would help one actively participate and produce new forms of visual references. “While its vibrant, constantly morphing images occasionally serve illustrations of text, they more often connect in nonlinear fashion to other visual references. They become allusions, allegories, and motifs, pitting realism against abstraction and making us aware that more meets the eye than is presented on the page” -Nick Sousanis. Drawing inspiration from the Tamasha in Indian streets, An Abandoned Stage is a dialogue to question codes and conducts. The frames created in this project would be reflection of the movements within the melodies of Shalabhanjika; encouraging viewers to navigate the space through their own interpretations, be it aesthetically or conceptually.

Conceptual framework

Keywords: Festival, Vocational training, Migration, Weddings, Food, Shelter,

Uniform, Hospitality, Independent Markets, Fashion

Every time that we try dwelling into a topic, it becomes important for us to

bring in different letters, different validations from an authority that finds it

appropriate. And that's when a set standard language of steps gets generated.

With the above noted keywords, I would like to understand theories of power,

change and the political; Culture/ Sociality; History and Philosophy of

technology; Theories of Subjectivity, Mind/Mentalities; Theories of making and

designing and contextual studies (history) would be critiqued in a way fostering

a different conception of innovation. Committed towards friendly hacking while

exposing the class basis of the professionals and people with position. This is a

constructive call that I feel we need to take.

That doesn't mean we ask for dictatorship but, if we get down the timeline what

is always thought first is water, and then followed the development. I am

interested in understanding whether the people in power are ready to get down

and listen to interventions, or just wait for a moment and look back at the things

done so far and see if there is some other possible way of survival. I know as

differently layered these thoughts are, it would be a difficult reality to imagine,

but my job would be to dream, and share my dreams and with the experience I

hope we work towards getting those dreams into reality.

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