In my deserted world
(I have a garden growing,
All the way to the heaven
Of my thoughts,
When I close my eyes)
I see a garden
When I close my eyes
“I dreamt of the apocalypse, the landscapes in crisis, the
horizon fallen. I woke up so terrified, my pupils dilated to the
extremest. I spent the rest of my life in dark, praying to god to
save us from that dreadful day to come”
When I started writing about “falling", I was initially thinking of
falling as a moment of suspension, destruction, awaiting for the
change to come, reaching somewhere, anywhere even if it is
the land of nowhere -آبـاد نـاکـجا) -Sohrevardi, 12th AC), “the world
out of perception”.
For a while, we were convinced we could determine the
geodesic of uncertain worlds. In Greece etymology, “falling”
shares the same word as chance: they are both referring to the
throw of dice, the fall of dice.(Meillassoux, 2008): Falling is a
contingent event. We thrown the dice and expected the AI to
show us the path to the future, by establishing a singular
trajectory under contingency of plausibilities which increasingly
disoriented our cognition. The desire to get to that imaginary
land, took us nowhere yet.
If not a complete eradication of all lives, plants (unlike humans)
embrace their contingent life differently. Plants are distinctive in
their existence, extending their forms and adapt to new
conditions. An intuitive subsumption of the amorphous life.
Current ecological conditions are shifting drastically. Extreme
environments as a result, will bring into life new species and
new forms of living and cohabitating. We are now capable of,
manipulating and enhancing both the living species and their
ultimate environments, mainly to our benefit or better to say for
our survival.
“I have seen this vision in a dream (I think), where there was
only a few of us left. It was terribly windy and as far as I could
see there were only deserted lands. I had some seeds in my
hand, I soaked them in the land. Sat on the ground,
contemplating the dune, wasting for the seeds to grow...”
--Sheikh Baha’i
Inhabiting the world which we are, is a cosmological circle of life
and death, merged into on another. A gravitational force that
takes down the living towards its destiny and rise it again in
another form, in a different situation. One’s life extinguishing
and another's emerging. Ones life dissolving and another
habitant is shaping for the life to come...
In three different chapters, these fragments will expand the
concept of contingency and will make connection to: extreme
environments, future species, post-natural gardens and
imaginary landscapes.
Foreign Objekt, is the second chapter of this text. The first
chapter will be published by Awham Magazine in November